Privacy Policy

CollaborateVideo Corp. takes the privacy and security of personal information submitted for the purpose of participating in a webcast very seriously. Our Privacy Policy applies to all webcasts hosted at

1. Purposes of collecting personal information

Some CollaborateVideo Corp. webcasts, designed to be private and secure, may require you to submit personal information using an online registration form.

The purpose or purposes of collecting personal data will be disclosed to you on the registration form before you are asked to fill out the registration fields and click the "Submit" button. If you register directly with a webcast host - the organization that is putting on the webcast - and not through a webcast registration page, then it is the responsibility of the host to inform you of all reasons your data is being collected and for how long.

CollaborateVideo Corp., on its webcast registration forms, will never ask you for financial information, your social insurance number or any information considered to be highly confidential. Webcasts typically require only your name, email address and location. This information is collected for one or both of the following reasons: To allow you access to the webcast or webcast recording, and also to allow the webcast host to evaluate the success of a webcast or recording. Your IP address will also be recorded for analytics and security purposes.

Your personal information will never be shared publicly or with a third party or third parties unless the webcast host requests and receives your consent to do so, and unless required by law.

2. How long your data will be retained

It is the CollaborateVideo Corp. Policy to permanently delete your personal information when no longer required. In the case of a live webcast, deletion will take place immediately following the end of the webcast. In some cases, your personal information is stored for a longer period of time in order to allow you access to a webcast recording. When the recording is removed, your data is also deleted. In cases where a webcast host is using data to evaluate the success of a webcast, your data is permanently deleted upon the completion of the evaluation, typically within one week of a webcast.

3. Who has access to data?

Personal information collected for webcasts are viewed only by our technical administrator for the purpose of being able to monitor and maintain webcasts, and also to ensure that no person has registered for suspicious reasons, such as hacking. In addition, the webcast host typically has access to the data to conduct their own analysis. All parties with access are legally bound by this Privacy Policy and all applicable laws and regulations to maintain the safety, security, accuracy and integrity of personal information collected for webcasts.

4. High security level

CollaborateVideo Corp. uses commercially acceptable means to prevent loss and theft of data, as well as unauthorised access, disclosure, copying, use or modification. All webcasts use the https protocol to protect all data submitted.

5. Your rights

Any data you submit for access to a webcast belongs to you and not CollaborateVideo Corp. or the webcast host. As such, you have the following rights

- The right to access, view, and edit your information
- The right to opt out of webcast reminders and other communications
- The right to delete your data at any time

6. External links and cookies

Webcast pages may link to external sites that are not operated by us. Be aware that we have no control over the content and practices of these sites, and therefore cannot accept responsibility or liability for their respective privacy policies. Also note that CollaborateVideo Corp. webcasts use cookies, files which allow us to record your computer so that you may log into a webcast repeatedly without having to register each time. A message will appear asking you to accept the cookie in order to access the webcast.

7. Who to contact

Continued use of CollaborateVideo web pages, websites and services, is regarded as acceptance of our practices around privacy and personal information as outlined in this Policy. If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy, please contact the CollaborateVideo Corp. Data Protection Officers at: “privacy[at]”

8. Resources

This Privacy Policy is based upon compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Please see links to the following major documents that govern the collection of personal information.

EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Canada Privacy Act
Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act PIPEDA